Mastering Kindred Red or Blue TFT: A Detailed Guide

Mastering Kindred Red or Blue TFT: A Detailed Guide

In the strategic landscape of “Teamfight Tactics” (TFT), every decision can tilt the balance between victory and defeat. One of the pivotal choices involves selecting the Red or Blue Buff for the champion Kindred.

With their distinctive abilities and playstyle, Kindred can greatly influence the outcome of a match. This guide delves into the benefits and drawbacks of each buff, offering insights and strategies to help you choose the best option for your gameplay.

Understanding Kindred Red Or Blue TFT: Role And Abilities

Kindred is a versatile champion in TFT, renowned for their dual function as both a damage dealer and a utility provider. Their abilities enable them to slow enemies and inflict significant damage over time. Kindred’s ultimate, which creates a protective zone that prevents allies from falling below a certain health threshold, adds immense value to team compositions by offering crucial defensive support.

Kindred’s Standing In The Meta

Kindred has maintained a strong presence in the shifting TFT meta due to their adaptability and significant impact in team fights. Their ability to seamlessly integrate into various team compositions while offering both offensive power and defensive utility makes them a favored pick among players.

This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions when selecting between the Red and Blue Buffs, ensuring that Kindred’s potential is fully realized in your matches.

Evaluating The Pros And Cons Of Kindred Red And Blue TFT Buffs

Advantages Of The Red Buff

Damage Over Time: The Red Buff enhances Kindred’s attacks with an additional damage-over-time effect, which is especially effective against tanky enemies. This persistent damage gradually wears down tougher opponents, making it a valuable asset in prolonged fights.

Healing Reduction: The Red Buff also applies a healing reduction effect on enemies, limiting their ability to recover health. This can be crucial when facing teams that rely heavily on healing and sustain, giving Kindred an edge in those matchups.

Enhanced Auto-Attacks: Kindred’s basic attacks become more potent with the Red Buff, allowing for more efficient health reduction of enemies, particularly in scenarios where consistent damage is key.

Disadvantages Of The Red Buff

Lack of Utility: While the Red Buff boosts Kindred’s damage output, it lacks additional utility such as crowd control, which can be a drawback in situations that require more than just raw damage.

Limited Synergy: Kindred’s abilities already provide slows and consistent damage, making the Red Buff’s effects somewhat redundant in certain situations, which might reduce its overall impact.

Advantages Of The Blue Buff

Cooldown Reduction: The Blue Buff significantly reduces ability cooldowns, enabling Kindred to use their abilities more frequently. This increased ability uptime can be particularly beneficial for maintaining the ultimate ability’s protective effects.

Mana Regeneration: With the Blue Buff, Kindred benefits from enhanced mana regeneration, ensuring that they can continuously cast abilities during fights without worrying about running out of resources.

Enhanced Mobility: The combination of cooldown reduction and mana regeneration boosts Kindred’s mobility, allowing for quicker repositioning and better overall movement during battles.

Disadvantages Of The Blue Buff

Reduced Damage Output: While the Blue Buff improves Kindred’s utility, it doesn’t contribute directly to their damage output, which may limit their effectiveness in scenarios that demand high burst or sustained damage.

Dependency on Abilities: The Blue Buff’s effectiveness is tied to Kindred’s abilities. This reliance can leave Kindred vulnerable during ability cooldowns, particularly if they are unable to secure resets or quickly eliminate opponents.

These pros and cons illustrate the situational advantages and trade-offs of each buff, helping players to choose the one that best suits their strategy and playstyle.

Deciding Between Kindred Red Or Blue TFT

Key Considerations

Team Composition: Evaluate your team’s overall strategy and composition. If your team is short on crowd control and utility, the Blue Buff may be more advantageous by boosting Kindred’s ability to shield allies and disrupt the enemy.

Opponent’s Strategy: Consider the enemy team’s approach. If they rely heavily on healing and sustain, the Red Buff’s healing reduction could be crucial in countering their strategy.

Playstyle Preference: Your own playstyle is an important factor in making this decision. If you favor a more aggressive, damage-centric approach, the Red Buff might align better with your strategy. On the other hand, if you prioritize utility and adaptability, the Blue Buff could be the more effective choice.

Situational Analysis

Against Healing-Heavy Teams: When facing opponents who depend on healing, the Red Buff’s healing reduction can play a pivotal role in undermining their sustain and giving your team an edge.

Focus on Utility and Mobility: In scenarios where your team benefits from increased utility and mobility, the Blue Buff’s cooldown reduction and mana regeneration offer Kindred the versatility needed to effectively support the team.

Adaptability During Matches: Flexibility is key during matches. Be prepared to switch between the Red and Blue Buffs based on the evolving dynamics of the game, ensuring that Kindred can respond effectively to changing circumstances and team needs.

Pro Tips And Strategies For Using Kindred Red Or Blue TFT

Insights From Professional Players

Aggressive Playstyles: Many professional players favor the Red Buff when adopting an aggressive approach. This buff maximizes Kindred’s damage output, allowing them to quickly tear through enemy defenses and secure kills.

Strategic Adaptation: Other pros highlight the need for flexibility, advocating for the Blue Buff in scenarios where Kindred’s utility and protective capabilities are crucial for countering specific threats.

Optimizing Buffs with Item Synergies

Item Synergy Considerations: When selecting a buff, it’s important to consider how it interacts with Kindred’s item build. For instance, combining the Blue Buff with cooldown-reducing items can significantly enhance its effectiveness, enabling more frequent use of abilities.

Countering Opponent Builds: Pay attention to the defensive items your opponents are stacking. If they are building heavy defenses, the Red Buff’s damage-over-time effect can be particularly effective in wearing them down over time.

(FAQs) About Kindred Red Or Blue TFT

Q: What are the main advantages of the Red Buff for Kindred? 

A: The Red Buff adds a damage-over-time effect and reduces enemy healing. This makes it especially effective against resilient opponents and teams that depend on healing, as it gradually diminishes their health and hinders their recovery abilities.

Q: How does the Blue Buff improve Kindred’s performance? 

A: The Blue Buff provides cooldown reduction and increased mana regeneration. This enables Kindred to cast their abilities more often and maintain mana levels during fights, enhancing both their utility and mobility.

Q: When should I opt for the Red Buff instead of the Blue Buff? 

A: Choose the Red Buff if you prefer a more aggressive approach or if you are up against enemies who rely heavily on healing. Its damage-over-time and healing reduction effects are particularly useful in these scenarios.

Q: In what situations is the Blue Buff more beneficial? 

A: The Blue Buff is ideal when your team needs enhanced utility and mobility. It’s particularly effective if you require more frequent use of abilities and better mana management to support your team and handle various threats.

Q: Is it possible to switch between the Red and Blue Buffs during a match? 

A: Absolutely. Being adaptable is key. You can switch between the Red and Blue Buffs based on the game’s progression and the strategies of both your team and your opponents to effectively address changing conditions.

Q: How can I maximize Kindred’s effectiveness with items? 

A: Evaluate how the chosen buff works with Kindred’s item setup. For instance, pairing the Blue Buff with items that reduce cooldowns can enhance its benefits. Similarly, if opponents are building defensively, the Red Buff’s damage-over-time effect can help penetrate their defenses.


When deciding between the Red or Blue Buff for Kindred in “Teamfight Tactics,” it’s crucial to assess your team composition, the opposing team’s strategy, and your own playstyle. The Red Buff excels in providing damage-over-time and reducing enemy healing, making it a strong choice for aggressive tactics and countering teams that rely on healing. On the other hand, the Blue Buff enhances cooldown reduction and mana regeneration, boosting Kindred’s utility and mobility in various situations.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each buff and considering how they fit with your item build and the enemy’s approach, you can make well-informed decisions that enhance Kindred’s role in your team. Staying flexible and choosing the right buff based on the match’s evolving dynamics will help you maximize Kindred’s effectiveness and contribute more significantly to your team’s overall success.

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